Primal prey animal bdsm
Primal prey animal bdsm

primal prey animal bdsm
  1. #Primal prey animal bdsm how to
  2. #Primal prey animal bdsm plus

Plus it will make sure you both have the most fun possible! Negotiating is key in both Risk Aware Consensual Kink and Safe Sane and Consensual BDSM. I highly HIGHLY recommended you do your research and talk to your partner (if you have one) like, A LOT.

#Primal prey animal bdsm how to

I’m not gonna tell you step by step how to do this as everybody is difference You can look at much any kind of pet play out there and see the aspects of BDSM within the activities. Having a Trainer, Owner, Rider, Groomer or human partner in this kind of scene would be a form of power exchange or dominance/submission. The tack worn by Pony players is a form of bondage, crops often used in training are discipline, sadism/masochism. Pony Play is also great example of how pet play involves many aspects of BDSM. I’ve been waiting all year to use that fact in a post!!!

primal prey animal bdsm

The first images of pet play were published were of Pony players all the way back in 1946! The history of pet play is firmly rooted with BDSM. Pet play is when you take on the role of a pet – regardless of the animal you choose to roleplay.

primal prey animal bdsm

Which brings in the aspect of sadism/masochism to most primal play scenes ive wittnessed.Īnd it’s for these reasons that I think primal play can only occur in BDSM. Primal play isn’t typically known for being gentle. Its common to hurt others or hurt yourself in the process of wrestling your opponent or capturing your opponent The physical nature of primal play also tends to hurt. This is power exchange which as you know from the definition above is one of three aspects within BDSM. Often there is a physical fight for dominance over the other party or the take down and capture of another primal player (most often these players are called primal prey). In my experience this usually comes out in a very physical way. Primal play is when you let your base desires and instincts run the show. So in my head there are two main forms of BDSM animal roleplay. I’m just going to give you my opinion on what constitutes and BDSM animal roleplay and why I think that.Īnd if your keen you can do some more research or share your opinion in the comments! Instead of trying to make sense of all these ideas and confusing myself. It mainly seems centered around forms of animal roleplay being sexual or non sexual, what ‘real’ BDSM is animal roleplay, why certain kinds of animal roleplay can only occur in a BDSM setting and There are lots of areas for discussion for this topic. So this is where things tend to get a bit blurry. Kink – any non conventional sexual fantasies or concepts.īDSM only animal roleplay (platinum VIP card required) So I’m not going to lie, I went through a whole bunch of kink sites and mashed all of their definitions together.īDSM – any activities involving bondage, discipline, dominance submission, sadism or Masochism.įetish – a sexual interest in an object, clothing, part of the body (excluding the obvious) or lets be real, pretty much anything. How to tell if someone’s animal roleplay is kinky or not.Adding elements of BDSM to your animal roleplay.If other forms of animal roleplay can be BDSM/kink/fetish activities and when.The types of animal roleplay that (in my opionion) can only occur in a BDSM context.The definitions of BDSM fetish and kink.So take what you will from this and I’d love to hear your opinions too! Which will probably be Revisited and changed. I’m just going to write about my opinion and ideas – on a few core ideas – from the experiences and chats that I have had with other animal role players. So instead of trying to write the correct opinion.

primal prey animal bdsm

I was so busy trying to write the “correct” opinion that I wasn’t getting anything down on the page! This is a ridiculously confusing topic and I didn’t realize how little I knew and how much controversy was out there. But hey I was feeling cocky and up for a challenge! I knew trying to write about BDSM and animal roleplay would be a challenge. Okay, so I’ve rewritten this post about 5 times.

Primal prey animal bdsm